Hospital deaths account for half of deaths annually


 Now as you and your loved ones get older you too will spend more time in Doctor’s offices, Hospitals, and convalescent, old age homes and will have wished that you had done something more about it all before too..
How to get better medical services overall? Well the wheel that makes the most noise seems to get the most grease still too..
Now many of us already do now about the all too-common Medical  PATIENT killers like:
-MEDICATION MISTAKES. Wrong pills! Wrong blood transfusions! Wrong intravenous drips! Don’t bother even  to guessing how often this happens.  It’s worse than your wildest nightmares. Unsupervised Doctors and Hospitals make many mistakes like these every hour.
-DOCTORS’ DIRTY HANDS. Incredibly, recent surveys show that doctors wash their hands between patients only half the time… and nearly 90% of stethoscopes harbor staph bacteria.
-UNNEEDED SURGERY.  Surgeons could have used many less costly approaches THAT WOULD HAVE LESS NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS AND QUICKER HEALING TOO   choose instead to do the costly surgery
– DOCTORS FAIL TO PRESCRIBE PROPER MEDICAL TEST . Medical Technicians have to be told what specific blood tests also have to be done first.. they do not automatically check for every possible sickness or diseases thus.
HOSPITALS are filled with infection-causing bacteria that cannot be found anywhere else. Hospitals, which often house very large numbers of sick people, are the ideal breeding environment for the sometimes deadly bugs. Hospital patients generally have a lower level of immunity and offer little or no resistance to them. The hospital staff, due to constant exposure to the bugs, are fairly immune to them, but may pass them on to patients by touching them or their food, bedding, clothing, or medications.* Contrary to common belief, hospitals are among the most contaminated places in the world. In fact  it does not take much dirt to become a breeding place for billions of deadly infectious bacteria.
* Doctors can be the worst transmitters of disease in hospitals. Most doctors do not wash their hands except before an operation, when they wear sterilized gloves and gowns anyway. They may sometimes touch many dozens of patients within several hours, one after the other, without washing their hands even once. Even the doctor’s white gown is not as clean as it looks. It is only clean if it is washed every single day, which rarely happens. .
* Bed sheets may be clean, but mattresses and pillows are not. The chance of being infected by bugs living in them is 1 in 20.
* A hospital patient may receive up to 12 different kinds of medication, all of which produce side effects, SOME  that can lead to serious complications and even death. AND SOME MEDICATIONS GIVEN ARE GIVEN IN ERROR AS WELL
* NOT SURPRISING TO MANY PERSONS hospitals PATIENTS OFTEN  are suffering from malnutrition due to a poor hospital diet OR BUDGET CONSTRAINTS. Malnutrition, even starvation was found to be the major cause of death among older people in hospitals.
Add the toxic side effects of the drugs, the presence of deadly bugs, as well as the stress and anxiety that accompany an illness and a stay in a hospital, and a poorly nourished elderly person NOW EVEN has very little chance of surviving
Anxiety stress relief vitamins and minerals work in different ways by providing nutrients which control the metabolism rate and the hormone levels within our bodies. By keeping these two things stable we can provide a better mechanism to cope with stress and anxiety inducing situations. Most of the recommended anxiety stress relief vitamins and minerals can be found in the foods that we eat and can simply be attained by eating a healthy and balanced diet covering all the major food groups. And that is why eating proper foods is important.
-I have often seen it myself, too many nurses and doctors wrongfully in no hurry to practically  help the really sick persons. Now some of these clearly bad persons  who still cannot face the negative reality about themselves, the ongoing especially bad nurses and doctors, lie and try to divert my  truth by saying I hate doctors and nurses, so well let me make it very clear I do rightfully hate all bad, pretentious, lazy, no good doctors and nurses who are not doing their jobs properly and  are causing other people to continue to suffer   as a result.. and they should always be fired ASAP.. Hospital administrators included. Is that clear enough for them now? That includes now also all bad cops, bad politicians, bad church pastors now  too..
 – MANY PATIENTS WANT THEIR medicine delivered regularly daily at the same time and now  it seems to fluctuate through out different times of the day. they thus unnecessarily do   worry about missing their medicine.. and for them the lack of consistency in a patient having now having a more a regular Nurse is an important issue.. a new nurse for them now  almost everyday explains the medication delivery problems that still occur too often as well.. And hiring clearly ignoramuses,  fools, as workers, counselors, cause they are cheap, inexpensive now is not doing a great service to anyone, is not a real, valid help for the elderly too
-Elderly persons need more special care cause they do tend to lack  the basic vitamins found in our common foods that help also to reduce one’s personal stress and anxiety.. for a hungry persons tends to be continually stressed and anxious and also do often   manifest  depression as well.. and what the classic treatment for depression is time, healing, by giving them proper nourishment, and proper rest and sleep.. in this case supplemented by proper pain killers, not improper pain killers  and/or merely  given proper sleeping pills too.   It seems that appropriate medication given by a face  mask if done immediately can alleviate further his panic and related breathing difficulties.. not just sleeping pills, or good food.. Now if you were also real , caring decent ministers in the federal government, then you and your provincial counterparts would supplement additional revenue to feed the elderly patients, who are being starved even murdered undeniably in old age homes, convalescent homes, hospitals in Canada, not just in 3rd world countries..
-Most everyone can realize that you really cannot separate the body, soul and sprit, and that our physical health and related healings is also effected also by our self worth, stress, anxiety but doctors and Hospitals want to stay mainly within the direct medical areas of pills, surgeries.. and tend not to use beneficial depression counselors as well.. As a result some sick people definitely would now have healed quicker had their root personal problems also been looked at and proper counseling given..
 – Clearly only fools cannot see that there is still very  much that can be done to improve the management, delivery of both our health care system and also the care of the elderly, persons too.
see also

 Almost since my first job after graduating from university I had learned that people are not to be trusted, need to be supervised, and corruption still exists in construction, universities, municipalities, governments, corporations, amongst professionals and politicians as well.

 ..  It is really unacceptable and  still unbelievable that of all people the medical personnel. medical support staff, they too often still  do not take their jobs seriously  enough and they are the main cause of many persons hospital deaths. What are you doing good about it? in reality?
Now what are you all now really doing about many people suffering in your  Hospitals unnecessarily these days too due to the lack of competent staff? Actions speak louder over mere words.
 It is really really unacceptable that Personal Cleanliness in Hospitals and Hospital food isn’t always that great still too.. It is fact I have seen it the actual quality of food varies also from one hospital to another even
A report released 10/26/09 by Thomson Reuters, parent company of the Reuters news service, stated that   the current U.S. health system wastes  in a year, one-third of the current healthcare expenditure. The report cites the following as sources of wasteful spending:

Overuse of antibiotics and lab tests to protect against malpractice lawsuits (Pennsylvania State University estimates that as much as 91 percent of our nation’s healthcare expenditures are related to defensive medicine);
Signifcant Fraud  in Medicare claims  ;
Administrative inefficiency and redundant paperwork;
Medical mistakes;
Preventable conditions, such as uncontrolled diabetes  
A  doctor is concerned that Manitoba labs are putting patients in danger , the province is now conducting an external review into the matter.  Pediatric pathologist Dr. David Grynspan says he’s noticed problems at provincial labs for the past two years. Last month, he submitted a 20-page report to the province which outlined concerns about heavy workloads, lack of accountability and some senior managers over-billing for work. Grynspan says those factors compromise patient safety. He says staffing levels may be to blame. Currently there are eight vacancies in the pathology department out of 46 positions. Grynspan says his report outlines one case where a patient’s samples were misdiagnosed.  Tory health critic Myrna Driedger says the province’s external review led by Winnipeg doctor Sharon McDonald won’t be objective.  “I think we need a totally independent external review and an auditor on that committee to look into these allegations,” says Driedger.  Arlene Wilgosh, the board chair for Diagnostic Services Manitoba, the group which oversees the province’s public labs says McDonald is bringing in a pathologist from outside the province, along with an independent labour lawyer to help in the external review.  Grynspan says he doesn’t agree with the review process and would like to see a completely external auditor do a thorough investigation of the pathology department.  
Emergency  Wards in Hospitals can be a deadly place.. many people pick up all kinds of sicknesses there too.. shit disease included..

Quebec health officials  reported on Nov 28, 2009 a very insignificant drop in hospital-acquired Clostridium difficile illnesses, shit disease,  which causes serious abdominal cramping , diarrhea, and many deaths.. The number of cases fell to 4.3 cases in 10,000 from five cases. One case is still one too many now.. Good Medical, Hospital hygiene  is still essential to  battles C. difficile. The Quebec government too still  has a long way to go to dealing with this adequately as well
Study shows sharing a hospital room increases your risk of picking up infections  The Canadian Press –  TORONTO – A new study says sharing a hospital room increases your risk of picking up an infection during your stay.  The study, by researchers from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont., shows that each new roommate raises your infection risk by about 10 per cent. Senior author Dr. Dick Zoutman says the findings suggest single-room hospital designs would be cheaper to build in the long run, because they would lower rates of costly hospital-acquired infections. The authors looked at rates of three common hospital infections among patients admitted to a southeastern Ontario hospital during a 4 1/2 year period ending in 2005. Previous studies have shown that rates of hospital infections are higher in multi-bed settings than when patients are housed one to a room. But few studies have actually looked at whether the number of roommates you have in hospital increases your risk of developing an infection like C. difficile or drug-resistant Staph aureus. 
Visitor restrictions in place at Trenton and Belleville hospitals – ‎Dec 31, 2009‎ Trenton Memorial Hospital’s inpatient unit is closed to visitors following an outbreak of the Norovirus.  Quinte Health Care (QHC) announced the closure following a number of patients contracting a gastrointestinal illness , the Norovirus, on Wednesday, Dec. 30. Belleville General Hospital’s Quinte 6 ward is also closed due to the same gastrointestinal illness.  The Norovirus is highly contagious with symptoms including diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Increased infection control procedures and visitor restrictions have been put in place..  Noroviruses are found in the stool or vomit of infected people. People can become infected with the virus in several ways, including: People are reminded not to visit patients at any QHC site if they are sick. Visitors must wash their hands upon entering and leaving the unit and they should not use the patient’s washrooms or kitchens, rather they should go elsewhere.. Norovirus is also called viral gastroenteritis, food poisoning, and calicivirus. Noroviruses and Salmonella are a leading cause of foodborne illness outbreaks. Norovirus affects people of all ages.  Outbreaks of norovirus infection also often occur in closed or semi-closed communities, such as long-term care facilities, overnight camps, hospitals, prisons, dormitories, and cruise ships where the infection spreads very rapidly by either person-to-person transmission or through contaminated food.  Many Norovirus outbreaks have been traced to food that was handled by the  infected person. Norovirus is rapidly inactivated by sufficient heating and by chlorine-based disinfectants, but the virus is less susceptible to alcohols and detergents   

QHC OUTBREAK:The highly contagious noro-virus is spreading to other hospitals. CKWS

Northumberland News – Belleville Intelligencer

 Hospital, medical administrators should consider cheap, disposable, paper, clothing for  all medical staff seriously!!! and save money on costs of medical diseases not being spread..

NOW WE HAVE ALL THE MEDICAL EXPERTS WARNING US ALL about the new diseases that are resistant to antibiotics, when the basic reality is that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure HERE TOO, and that applies basically  to the too common shit disease, the brown plaque,  and the common dirty toilet utensils found in bathrooms, patient rooms, hospitals and NURSING HOMES  as well..
OTTAWA – Ottawa-area hospitals are seeing a growing number of sick people   linked to the Norovirus, a highly contagious stomach bug, mostly related to food poisonings, which causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach cramps, and people can carry the virus before they develop symptoms and it can be passed easily to vulnerable Hospital patients. Closing a ward that is affected by the related diarrhea and vomiting is essential to limit the spread of the infection. The hospital-based patients with the symptoms are placed  in isolation, as are  the affected staff, as there is no specific treatment for the infection, so isolation is the only way to prevent it spreading. “Staff affected by diarrhea and vomiting will only return to work once they have been symptom-free for 48 hours. ” The basic only way to prevent it spreading is also to limit the number of people who come into contact with those who have been effected. Additional people who are sick are advised to stay home and avoid visiting crowded places such as schools, hospitals, daycare centres and nursing homes until at least 48 hours after their nausea or vomiting has passed. Hospital visitors are to make sure they wash their hands before and after visiting to prevent it from further spreading .  People have also been advised to avoid bringing young children to the hospital. My personal inspection of a local Montreal hospital  was that too many of the hand wash dispensers available  are empty and are not being refilled ASAP.
An elderly polish persons on the LGH geriatric hospital floor takes her clothes off, shits in bed, rambles, is incoherent.. and the medical staff say it is none of my business cause I am not her son or a Family member. But what here is what totally had surprised me.. when her son and nephew, nieces came to see her, she was totally coherent, recognized them, spoke to them in English, and she asked them to be taken home.. when they left she went to be crazy person again.. she needs not just medical care bit a social worker to help her.
On this same LGH floor  most of the sick people are under the same personal strain, stress, not knowing where they will need  up next or what will happen to them next.. it is part of the pain and their personal reaction problem. No one AT THIS Hospital talks to them about this.. not the chaplains even or the social workers.. someone really does needs to counsel  them now compassionately as well.
Many staff have talked to now  also complain about the management conflict of personal interest, the Board of directors of this typical McGill Hospital are doctors, who tend to mainly insure more money is made available to other doctors and not to the working staff.
The Hospital clearing, staff’s concern about spreading shit diseases rather  has been reduced in the last week too  and they are doing less about it..
IT IS A RIOT TO ME HOW PEOPLE HAVE GENERAL SOLUTIONS TO DEALING WITH THE MEDICAL INADEQUACIES AND AVOID THE LOCAL SPECIFIC SOLUTIONS. And what is the specific local solutions? Public exposure and prosecution of the guilty persons works best and serves everyone the best, that means going after the bad Hospital directors, bad doctors, bad supervisors, bad ombudsman, bad, lazy, no good  hospital staff now too.
I was yesterday talking to a Hospital staff directly and she too had said wise people can easily see, the staff included who the no good, lazy, inadequate, pretentious..
I had waited for weeks for the ombudsman to call me back at the LGH, and she did not, so I next called her.. she next had  promised to address these concerns.. seeing is believing. I await her results.
Vomiting bug closes three wards at Ulster Hospital  The hospital has asked visitors to wash their hands before and after visits Three wards at the Ulster Hospital in Dundonald have been closed after an outbreak of a vomiting and diarrhoea bug amongst patients. The South Eastern Health Trust has said it has put extra cleaning measures in place.  
Now any Hospital, seniors home saving money on staff, house cleaning, hygiene is a false saving   still. I really do think the Lakeshore General Hospital has learned the truth that doubling the nursing, medical and cleaning  staff pays off in the long run with less patients getting sick with infectious diseases and thus requiring less expensive medical care overall as a result too. No doubt about it all Hospitals can use and do need more staff and they next will save more money in the long run by patients nor rather getting more sicker..
Did they say that the infection was growing somewhere in the ER? Sounds like a late-night movie, but this is very serious. Who has the contract for cleaning, the same people who clean Maple Leaf Foods? Some serious Infections can be   airborne transmitted as well as the standard contact transmission, and no serious disease should be taken lightly by anyone.
The poor Doctor’s, medical staff and Hospital Hygiene is still the root cause of these very serious sickness that does  NEXT LEADS TO A SIGNIFICANT EXPONENTIAL  ESCALATION OF THE MEDICAL RELATED HOSPITAL COSTS NOW TOO. YES THE HOSPITALS ARE GUILTY OF NOW SAVING MONEY IN THE WRONG PLACES.
Before 2007, Canadian hospitals OUTSIDE OF Quebec were not required to publicly report their in-hospital death rates.  The public release would force hospital officials to examine their internal practices and improve patient care. Reporting rates to the public allows patients to examine potential risks at their local hospitals. It also forces hospitals – everyone from the hospital boards to the CEOs to the medical and nursing staff – to compare themselves to other institutions. Dr. David Austin, chief of staff at Markham Stouffville Hospital, said the 43-point drop in the institution’s mortality rate can largely be attributed to how the hospital has improved the way its staff appropriately document patient charts. The hospital has also brought in sub-specialist physicians, including hospitalists and intensivists, to deal with specific in-patient issues.  “If you have sepsis in hospital, you have a one in three chance of dying,”   ”If you are admitted to hospital for stroke, you have a one in five chance of dying. If you are admitted to hospital for heart attack, you have a one in 10 chance of dying.” Dr. Indra Pulcins, director of indicators and performance measurement at   Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI),–hospital-death-rates-fall-in-new-era-of-disclosure 
 ”Hygiene” issues plague Quebec hospitals, and “hygiene” and “abuse” and “theft” issues plague assisted care facilities for the aged.”.
” it all comes down to not being able to clean properly due to a lack of staff, lazy staff, staff that don’t how to do their jobs well. they lack teaching. a superficial job gets done at best. it is very unsanitary. we should be using bleach to clean everything. the MGH is quite dirty esp. the stretchers and bathrooms. St Mary’s is the cleanest hospital I have ever seen. start cleaning people!”
” Hate to tell you all, but go to any hospital and you will find the same thing.  This isn’t limited to just Lakeshore, although people choose to pick on it. Trust me, the bigger places are just as bad – they just have better spin doctors.”
 ”my grandmother got it at the Jewish a few months ago. “
Hospital death rates and the related causes are  a major cause for concern still. As basic and common sense as it may seem all doctors and nurses, support staff on a daily, continual basis do  need also to ensure their own personal hygiene, cleanliness in medical care,  at all times too,  but they still for sure do not.. Imagine this also the Doctors, nurses, staff  wearing their own dirty clothes in Hospitals, many do not even use a lab coat or a clean uniform, scrubs anymore.. unsatisfactory hygiene.  Saving money on medical scrubs costs millions in sick patients.  No matter that some of the sickness, diseases are brought to the hospital by the patients themselves, it next must not be allowed to spread through the Hospital.. Many people get more sick as a result  in emergency rooms, hospitals .  This is Unacceptable. The spread of C. difficile infection,  Sepsis  disease  is at a greater risk in hospitals or other places such as nursing homes where there are many people in close contact with one another.    Hospital employees next having their own locked toilets, does not  help the overall problem now too.. it merely is a still unacceptable admission there exist a problem here.    

 Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice:  Clostridium difficile-Associated Disease : “The Perfect Storm” Has Arrived and it falsely kills many because it is not talked about enough too.. There should be weekly mandatory reporting of all hospital acquired infections, not just the number of Hospital deaths Have you also not noticed that most hospital patients, many of who are too too sick to get up, they do not wash their hands before they eat Personnel Cleanliness in Hopsitals and even the Hospital food ain’t always that great still too..
-All medical staff must follow  the hospital antibiotic prescribing policy and taking care that broad spectrum antibiotics are not given unnecessarily .
-They all  must wear  disposable gloves and aprons, disposable lab coats,  scrubs, when treating sick patients and those  who have C. difficile infection and when dealing with,   or cleaning equipment that could be contaminated (eg bedpans).
-There must be regularly cleaning the hospital environment, including floors and surfaces, with disinfectant or detergent to get rid of spores, infections.
-They must insure the keeping seriously sick patients, especially those  who have C. difficile infection in isolation from those who don’t.
– Keeping clean and washing one’s hands often are also essential
Too many Canadian professionals, workers next  become too lax when they do think they have attained some kind of job security and fail to do their duties fully too, towards all others.    

Public exposure and prosecution of the guilty is one of the best approach serving everyone’s best interest too. Cover-up, and denials are  a sad fact of life in Canada especially by our civil and public servants, including cops, doctors, hospitals, professionals, politicians, PM Stephen Harper as well..  and needless to say Doctors and Hospital have not kept  good figures  on the number of deaths even in Hospitals, and their causes too willingly too,   and what about those discharged persons who have died outside of the Hospital too? The causes of death are hard to determine especially when the governments have falsely cut back on the money available for autopsies Canada wide too.  All professionals, cops, Governments too sadly are known to hide bad things from the public.
“There’s so many opportunities for lapses, so even a small percentage of times when maybe things don’t happen as they should, can translate into a substantial number of cases.  It is unbelievable that in today’s society some medical staff no longer wear clean uniforms while working in Hospitals  but instead do wear their ordinary clothes , like I saw a nurse do so last week at the McGill Royal Victoria Hospital, and  this is unacceptable, it can encourage the spread of diseases, since these clothes cannot be simply removed and  replaced like a lab coat can be.” Further simple measures such as hand washing and adequately cleaning the equipment and rooms can seriously prevent the spread of infection that can lead to sepsis.  Some serious Infections can be also airborne transmitted as well as the standard contact transmission, and no serious disease should be taken lightly by anyone.  Most often the best Prevention includes Clean garments, and  regular  Hand washing. Soap and water is the most effective measure and Alcohol-based products may be used but are generally less effective since Alcohol has no effect on spores but mechanical action of hand-washing may help get rid of them. All hospital srufeces do need to be cleaned daily too. And  Eliminating or reducing the associated disease risk factors is also still essential.
“Another  simple change  would be to have hand-washing facilities easily available in the hospital cafeteria.  Here I have never seen a hand-washing sink in the eating area.  So, when people go to eat their meals in the cafeteria, they touch many door handles that are rich reservoirs for germs, they handle money, and then they sit down to eat, which is an open invitation to colonize their gut with resistant bacteria, which they can then easily pass on to someone else, such as a patient.  It seems such an obvious improvement to have a hand-washing sink in the eating area so that busy hospital personnel can try to keep themselves from becoming a link in the chain of infection.”
Not doing enough about C-dificile, or shit disease can lead to more serious medical-personal problems and can lead to the more serious  Sepsis problme which can seriously cause more personal harm,  result in extensive tissue damage, organ failure or death  to  the persons with minor infections, such as the flu or urinary tract infections, and to strike people with serious wounds, extremely weakened immune systems Early diagnosis and treatment of sepsis with antibiotics also improves the chances of recovery.  But all this take money and real effort now too. Hospital staff too often want to get paid but do not want to meet their full responsibility , and these type of persons should be immediately fired for the good of all too..
Clostridium difficile–associated disease (CDAD) is used to describe a constellation of illnesses caused by the toxins, A and B, produced by the C difficile bacillus  Factors such as predominant use of high risk antibiotics, reduction in house cleaning  staff, increased nursing workloads, antiquated facilities, and general changes in hospital populations (ie, increased number of immuno compromised, debilitated, and elderly patients) may also be contributing factors to resistance of treatments.  Clostridium difficile is an anaerobic, spore-forming, gram-positive bacillus.  The spores are resistant to many types of disinfectants, heat, and dryness and may persist for months on surfaces such as bed rails, commodes, electronic thermometers, stethoscopes, skin folds, and the hands of caregivers. The spores can cause disease in persons at high risk for CDAD. Three elements are required for prevention of CDAD: proper hand washing, contact isolation, and environmental measures.  Spores of C difficile tend to thrive on uncleaned hospital surfaces. For that reason, stringent daily cleaning of all hospital surfaces likely to be contaminated with feces is essential. A hypochlorite-based disinfectantor a 1:10 bleach solution is recommended.  Frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, call lights, television remote control devices, soap dispensers, faucets, bed rails, and telephones also require thorough daily cleaning. Hospital policies regarding dedicated equipment, dishes, linens, waste, and patient transport should be in place and enforced. Non disposable equipment such as glucose meters, cardiac monitors and electrocardiography and x-ray machines should be disinfected according to manufacturers’ guidelines. “It can be safely concluded that all of these treatments work some of the time, none work all of the time.” Hygiene care and vigilance are always still essential. Proper treatment and Prevention of dehydration is essential for patients with CDAD. Prevention is also the most important treatment.  – – Maria E. Pelleschi
Today, blood culture and culture techniques are the gold standard for detection of a medical infection.  The turnaround time for culture/blood culture is lengthy, ranging from 48 to 72 hours. As a result,  this can often be too late for many sick people if the disease has not been diagnosed even sooner.. or of it had not been prevented..
“My brother is currently a patient at UVA for the 5th week due to a severe case of sepsis. He already had his all his toes on both feet amputated along with part of his right foot. He will lose 3/4 of his index finger and some fingertips. We had never heard of sepsis before this. His PCP was treating him for a virus. He was going back to PCP for the 3rd or 4th time when he collaped in the doctors office. He was then transported to the ER where they diagnosised him. Only through the grace of GOD he is still with us. He has a long, long road to recovery ahead of him.”
Here is the the too often  sad unacceptable reality, news, result  complaining about any poor medical services, medical neglect, abuse, mistreatment of patients to doctors, nurses, administrators, ombudsman  too often is like talking to a brick wall.. they reaped their indifference, bad acts and sadly seem to have got used to their sins, errors, bad ways.. so now they even have to be fully exposed to all.In Montreal I have been to the English and French Hospitals and I can certainly say that the McGill run Hospitals provide some of the worst nursing, Doctor services as well.. the RVH, JGH, Lachine Hospital, and  Lakeshore General hospital included.. One rotten apple spoils the whole basket.. deal with it..  Doctors, Nurses, medical support staff  are human, they too sometimes try to get by with a minimal amount of personal effort, and so as result patients do not always get their proper medical care. A good rule is never to go to a hospital alone, doctors are  afraid of loud mouthed witnesses who can cause them to be sued for mal  practice and cause their mal practice insurance rates to go up significantly..
No one is immune to danger, or death, not even you, your loved ones now too. It can happen where you live.. AND IT DOES NOW TOO. It is not a pleasant site, sight, a person was alive and a few minutes later they are dead and next are being wheeled down the hall to the morgue, COVERED UP ALL IN A WHITE SHEET.. the nursing, support staff are clearly upset, the strain of helplessness gripping many of them too.. urine containers are still being left alone, allowed to be scattered on the floors in the patients rooms.. some how some of the medical personnel, support staff they  wrongfully still cannot believe that the fatal diseases are caused by poor hygiene.. after all they have been personally neglecting the hygiene aspect for a long time too.. 
Now about 225,000 Canadian patients a year suffer from hospital-acquired infections that substantially extend their stays, and between 8,000 and 12,000 people die annually as a result of  infection with common but dangerous infections – C. difficile, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) – The infections   C. difficile, MRSA and VRE – are not airborne, but spread by contact. yet the police make a lot of noise about number of   deaths caused by speeding..  yet the police make a lot of noise about number of   deaths caused by speeding AND DRUNK DRIVERS..  we need more cops rather in the hospitals aressting the bad Health Ministers,  bad doctors and bad nurses etc.,  Now less than a hundred Canadians will die in one year due to car accidents, but thousands will die due to a hospital acquired infection? So why has not the Conservative government done too much here? they do not care about Canadian lives still? Ex-fire chief of London Ontario was jailed for child porn – Crime – and so should our health ministers be also jailed now too.. for their poor inactions..
And the  likely reason that roommates increase the risk of infection is that patients share a washroom. (The mantra in infection control is: One bum per toilet.) Another likely explanation involves inadequate handwashing by patients and health professionals alike; doctors and nurses sometimes don’t wash their hands between patient visits in a single room. in the meantime, there are things we can do: We should be cleaning our hands, and we should really scrutinize how we clean our hospitals. 
I am chronic believer of the “sit, wait, watch, see philosophy”.. and I like to sit and look as to what is really happening in police stations, hospitals, doctor’s offices, emergency clinics, government offices, churches too.. it is really an eye opener and a learning experience.. Now after being a half a century in Canadian Hospitals I thought I saw it all.. Until I sat this week visiting a person in a serious sick, troubled persons ward at the Pointe Claire, West island Hospital, Lake Shore General Hospital,    Pointe-Claire is a municipality located on the Island of Montreal in southwestern Quebec, Canada… and for the first time I also had no complaints… but praise for I really could not believe what I saw, the real extra effort that the medical, support staff gave to all the patients, some of them very elderly too. It is my personal observation, and that of my father that this Hospital does it’s best in dealing with sickness, infections. Now if all Hospital departments were like this.. it would be heavenly.  But a week later I found out the whole truth as to how they do provide a minimum of doctors, nurses services..
And the    Lakeshore Hospital battling superbug   MONTREAL – Lakeshore General Hospital posted a guard on its fourth floor west wing to limit visits to patients because of an outbreak of hospital-borne bacterial infections.Now this good hospital is already taking almost all the necessary precautions for cleanliness except it is forgetting to use rather disposable paper bed pans, and disposable paper urine containers, and as a result toilets   often remain contaminated, and I would suggest that  they do visit the LaSalle Hospital that now has successfully used them..  Let me be clear about it, Never mind the lies, spins, excuses too, One hospital death due to anyone’s bad habits, neglect is unacceptable,  one too many and all the time now too. Cleanliness is next to godliness especially in Hospitals, convalescent homes  and old ages homes now too. This neglect can open doctors and hospitals to serious rightful lawsuits too now over the death of any person.. let   also  the Quebec government now as well take proper actions here in all Hospitals too..
  ” Florence Nightingale had written rules on cleaning. Nurses need degrees and are too good to do this work now.
 ”Nurse” She’s spot on! Lazy cleaning staff- improperly supervised and trained. I recently had a “round” with management at the Bay Fairview, for the indecent ladies washroom on the 2nd floor. What is going on? Menial-type jobs, like cleaning, are contracted out to people who have no idea what sanitary conditions are. Most of us don’t live in pig-pens here in Canada, so we don’t want to see those conditions in public places. A hospital should “sparkle” and smell clean, for obvious reasons! and PS: I don’t go to The Bay anymore. It’s an insult! “

   Sepsis  last year resulted in about 30,587 hospitalizations and 9,320 deaths in Canadian hospitals excluding Quebec, In comparison, there were 30,542 hospitalizations for strokes in 2007-08, with some 6,423 deaths. Of the 49,220 hospitalizations for heart attacks, about 5,684 people died. in almost one-quarter of 2008-09 sepsis cases, patients were diagnosed after being admitted to hospital. Those who developed sepsis while in hospital were 56 per cent more likely to die than those diagnosed with sepsis before they were admitted to hospital. It is expected that the results for Quebec are just as bad if not worse.
Another  common way of becoming sepsis  is an oral/dental source such as a tooth infection..
Overuse of antibiotics  is building widespread resistance and threatening to halt vital medical treatments such as hip replacements, intensive care for premature babies and cancer therapies, health experts say. A 2002 survey that showed 60 percent of patients do not know that antibiotics do not work against viruses like flu and colds.” Patients often demand antibiotics,” she said. And doctors often think, she said, that giving in is a quicker way to deal with a demanding patients than persuading them otherwise.
 Many, many person still do die each year in Hospitals too from preventable medical errors ranging medical errors, drug overdoses to infections caught in the hospital. Exhausted, sleepiness, upset ,overwhelmed, stressed out medical staff   are far more likely to make an error. Teaching hospitals across the United States have moved to limit residents’ work weeks to 80 hours to reduce fatigue-related errors and what about those in Canada?
Mortality rates for Most Canadian hospitals are out and  the Ontario Waterloo Region has one of the best and the worst rates in the province. The Grand River Hospital out of one hundred and fifty hospitals in the province … it ranked 150 for mortality rates … the worst in the province. Unacceptable. Is it a reflection on the University of Waterloo now as well?
One death is one too many!!! Never mind the average statistics of death!! Canadian hospitals need  to reduce mortality rates, for severe infections are still prominent too… a new study found that nearly 10,000 patients died in hospital of sepsis in 2008,  a condition resulting from bad Hospital hygiene,  disinfection, House cleaning practices firstly. Now there is evidence that some hospital-acquired infections that lead to sepsis can be avoided by controlling the spread of infection. And while hospital standardized mortality may  appear to be decreasing overall in Canada, some unacceptable conditions, such as sepsis still remains to be dealt  with adequately, fully, immediately for reducing mortality in hospitals.  CIHI’s study shows that in 2008-2009, more than 30,500 patients were hospitalized with sepsis in Canada, not including Quebec. The study noted that just over 30 per cent of patients hospitalized with sepsis died, and that compared to 18.0 per cent for stroke patients and 9.1 per cent for heart attack patients. Studies have shown various factors such as early recognition and treatment can reduce deaths from sepsis. “There is lots of evidence that hospital-acquired infections that lead to sepsis can be prevented. Instituting the  best practices should be a priority for reducing sepsis and mortality rates,” Dr. Claudio Martin, a critical care physician at London Health Sciences Centre, At an Ontario health centre, a task force was created to adopt known best practices for early recognition and treatment on the centre’s wards and in the emergency room and developing cases on the ward have  picked up more quickly and related treatment started sooner . Not every Hospital cares to do this still because of the cost and bother in Canada. Unacceptable.
A poorly managed Hospital and personnel is still always rightfully unacceptable even if it is McGill. I have often been wondering why the Montreal McGill Hospitals tend to provide the basic , or pretentious services, it is cause the real doctors, professionals, self serving, greedy,  money hungry doctors  now are trying to make a buck in the private sector and are generally not available to all, even though Canada supposedly only has a fully public accessible Medicare system, and the Hospital directors who generally are doctors too go along with this too.. conflicting self interest
More than 9,300 hospital patients died of sepsis – a form of blood poisoning caused by infections – last year in Canada, new data reveal. Last year, there were 87,612 deaths in Canadian hospitals, excluding Quebec. Hospital deaths account for almost half of all mortality. Moreover, the number of sepsis cases has increased and the mortality rate has held steady over the past five years.  “Sepsis is one of the top causes of patient deaths in hospitals. It’s a big problem,” There has been a strong push in recent years to improve patient safety, particularly in hospitals. “It’s really not an easy problem to resolve,”  Sepsis can occur when a bacterial, fungal or viral infection moves into the bloodstream and attacks vital organs. While sepsis can develop from relatively minor infections, such as influenza or a urinary tract infection, it most often develops in people who have serious wounds or compromised immune systems, and in surgery patients with catheters.
Blood poisonings, infection traced to ER 40 affected by outbreak at Seven Oaks General Hospital  12/12/2009 1:00  A bloodstream infection has affected 40 patients at Seven Oaks General Hospital — including two who have died. The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority issued a news release late Friday afternoon, describing the situation at Seven Oaks as an outbreak in the emergency ward and asking anyone treated with intravenous medication and suffering flu-like symptoms to contact their physician. Dr. John Embil, the WRHA medical director of infection, prevention and control,  said his department became aware of the outbreak at the end of the summer when staff found a number of bloodstream infections linked to an organism known as Serrtatia marcescens.  Twenty patients were infected when Embil and hospital staff began tracking the source of the infection in late summer, and another 20 people have since been identified as also having the infection. Dr. Ricardo Lobato de Faria, the chief medical officer at Seven Oaks, said all but two of the 40 patients showed signs of the infection after they were admitted to the hospital following treatment in the emergency ward. Two others were treated in emergency and released but recalled when their blood work revealed the infection, he said.  Embil said officials’ detective work determined that the infection originated in Seven Oaks’ emergency ward but they’ve yet to learn what caused it in the first place.    
 It is always the same old problem, Doctors and medical staff continual indifference to the need of others, Hospital costs savings so the Doctors can get more money, even bad who Doctors fail to define the sicknesses soon enough. Law suits and the related bad publicity have been proven to be one of the most effective weapons in dealing with medical inadequacies.
Medical Errors are also still a  leading cause of Deaths. More and more people die from medical mistakes each year than from highway accidents, breast cancer, or AIDS.
And pharmaceutical drugs kill more people every year than are killed in traffic accidents. Many hospitalized patients suffered a serious adverse drug reaction (ADR)  and died as a result. The researchers found that over 75 per cent of these ADRs were dose-dependent, which suggests they were due to the inherent toxicity of the drugs rather than to allergic reactions. The researchers concluded that ADRs are now the fourth leading cause of death  after heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Any deaths   from  misdiagnosis of the ailment , deaths from unnecessary surgery;  from medication errors in hospitals;  deaths from other errors in hospitals;  deaths from infections in hospitals;  deaths from  adverse effects of medications, or from adverse drug reactions used to treat the illness, they  are all always still unacceptable!
And please do note this reality the biggest hospital complaint of really sick patients is the lack of competent nurses on duty 24 hours per day.. Hospitals provide babysitting services and not rather real medical care it seems too often.. wait till you get to the hospital and find out next firsthand what it is really like too..
It is stupidly amazing how many crooks, clearly bad persons, Doctors, Hospital adminstrators too,   are still so unrepentant that they do think that all they have to do is just lie some more, bully some more of their accusers and they too  will next get away with it.. well they can dream on but there is eventually a limit to the amount of lying, abuse many will take..
  The majority of news media main aim is to make more money, not rather to basically, really help the citizens. The news media likes to sell the good news, the positive spins, the sensational stories, interesting news rather than mainly dealing with real solutions to the real problems all citizens now often do face. For instance the news media too often does not state specially what is the unnecessary cause of so many hospitals deaths.. the critical items such as infection mostly due to shit diseases, poor hospital hygiene,  poor hospital managers, too often incompetent and under staffed medical personnel as well.. well I rightfully do tell the truth here too.
In 1982 I drove to Edmonton Alberta and sat directly in the Albertan Minister of Economic Development, and the Albertan Minister of Manpower, Career development, and I had asked them face to face what they were doing specially to diversify Alberta’s economy and to help to create more  jobs for Albertans.. but these useless twits still did did nothing, and they both lost their reelections, and their workers too had  let the party caucus decide what to do and so today  Alberta is in a real big big mess today.. with home prices a dropping,  home sales are going doing, many many people getting laid off, and their Alberta  government revenue is going down fast too. Alberta is in a big mess these days still too.. The Albertan politicians, leaders now  were another bunch of know it all who did not want to listen to any one else.. and such History repeats itself. 
Now what are we all now really doing about many people dying in all Hospitals unnecessarily these days too? Actions speak louder over mere words.. 
Less people do die at home these days, for it is the trend to go to the hospital when sick or dying these days too.
I had  contacted the Lakeshore General Hospital Ombudsman, but she was  still on Holidays for  WHILE too and so who really cares about the sick people’s complaints? IN FACT I HAD WRTITEN TO 3 McGill Hopsitals ombudsman and none of the results were fully satisfactory to date even..
  JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A report released Thursday by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Florida Medical Examiner’s Commission revealed that common prescription drugs were responsible for more deaths in 2007 than common illegal drugs.“ The rate of deaths caused by prescription drugs is over three times as high as the rate of deaths caused by all illicit drugs combined,” said Director of the Office of Drug Control Bill Janes. Deaths involving the use of oxycodone, methadone, cocaine, alcohol, and heroin all rose in 2007, that according to the report.
This also offers a Canadian window into the state’s overwrought preoccupation with making money at all costs, disregarding the citizens concerns too. Sadly Like too many political parties it seems the citizens mainly do not count, their views or needs, desires. they only count on election days. I was once talking to deputy Minister Ken Kowalski of Alberta about this as to why and he replied cause in Alberta they do not pay the taxes. But rather the real reason is the too often lack of respect for the all of citizens still by our leaders, civil and public servants most political parties Canada wide.. Police, RCMP’s unacceptable, poor attitudes towards most of the citizens now as well ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;



 The Number one Health Risk Gallstones in the Liver



Millions of persons have diabetes, and many of them people do not even know it.. diabetes is not to be taken lightly for it has serious personal side effects. Diabetes is influenced by genes, and the food we eat, exercise as well.
Reminds me a University college graduate had boasted to me he had learned all about Computers in University.. so I put him down in front of my computer and said to him show me what you can do.. I was shocked next  when he really could not use a computer still, he said he had learned everything from text.. He lacked real practical experiences.. that is true about diabetes when it comes to many medical personnel,  Doctors and Nurses included.
Since the discovery of insulin in 1921, managing diabetes has become more effective than ever. Today, with care, most diabetics can lead productive lives.
Normally, your body changes sugars and starch into glucose (a simple sugar), which serves as fuel. When diabetes develops, the amount of glucose in the blood may become dangerously high because insulin (the substance that controls glucose levels) is in short supply. Diabetics either don’t produce enough insulin or their bodies don’t respond to the insulin as they should; that’s why they have to take insulin by injection or another medication by mouth to help the body secrete more of its own insulin.
To help you recognize the warning signs of diabetes, the American Diabetes Association uses the acronyms DIABETES and CAUTION.
D rowsiness
I tching
A family history of diabetes
B lurred vision
E xcessive weight
T ingling, numbness, or pain in extremities
E asy fatigue
S kin infection, slow healing of cuts and scratches, especially on the feet

Other signs are:
C onstant urination
A bnormal thirst
U nusual hunger
T he rapid loss of weight
I rritability
O bvious weakness and fatigue
N ausea and vomiting
The important explanation of one being diabetic is the reality that either the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or else it can’t employ the actual insulin in an appropriate way. The transformation of glucose into strength in the body is performed through insulin. The key conditions that can result in diabetes are short of activity, fatness, aging, improper diet and, most importantly, heredity. Weariness is the trait of diabetes for the reason that the body doesn’t attain required energy. Eyes is impaired, urination is repeated and need for water gets Unquenchable resulting from it. You are receptive to persistent contagion for example urinary tract diseases, colds and influenza if you are diabetic. Diabetes has further hint moreover like prickling or burning sensitiveness in the hands together with foot. Majority of the time diabetes goes overlooked for these traits look simple. At the time you observe any of the above declared indications get your glucose amount measured. The everlastingness of this health problem demands you perform this way. To correct diabetes  you as well have to make use of perfect diet table and lifestyle changes to make your glucose levels under regulation.
A hard-boiled egg is a handy high-protein snack if you have diabetes. The protein will help keep you full without affecting your blood sugar. Protein not only slows digestion, it also slows glucose absorption. This is very helpful if you have diabetes. If you have diabetes, you should limit egg consumption to three a week. If you only eat egg whites, you can feel comfortable eating more.  Protein is satiating,  meaning  eggs may help curb unhealthy cravings and promote a healthy weight in people with diabetes — further aiding diabetes management. Plus, eating protein and carbohydrates together may delay the impact of carbohydrates on blood sugar
 Here are 10 ways to treat low blood sugar with real food: 

1. all-natural peanut butter with no added sugar  Peanut butter (or any nut butter) without added sugar is filled with protein and fat and can help alleviate these symptoms without raising your blood sugar more.

2. peanut butter and crackers.. watch the salt intake.. Any form of starch — in this case crackers — will help gradually raise your blood sugar just slightly, and the fat and protein in the peanut butter will sustain those levels.

3. raisins

4. medjool dates

5. applesauce

6. bananas

7. grapes

8. pineapple

All the foods listed above are fresh or dried fruit that have higher amounts of naturally occurring sugars than other fruits. While there’s some fiber present in these, the amount is minimal and will raise blood sugar quickly and effectively.

9. 100% grape juice

10. honey or maple syrup

You don’t necessarily have to experience all of these warning signs to be diabetic; only one or two may be present. Some people show no warning signs whatsoever and find out they’re diabetic after a routine blood test. So if you have a family history of diabetes, you should be especially watchful of the signs and symptoms mentioned before. If you notice any of those signs report them to your doctor. Being overweight increases your risk significantly. A diet high in sugar and low in fiber may increase your risk as well. Pregnancy can trigger diabetes in some women.

There are two forms of diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes is more severe and usually shows up before the age of 40. Insulin injections as well as dietary control and excercise are essential.
Type 2 diabetes is less severe and affects people who are older and overweight. This type is most often treated with diet and exercise and sometimes oral medicine. Occasional insulin injections may be required as well.

Like a hurricane with its heavy rains, hail, lightening and high winds is preceded by”calm before the storm,” type 2 diabetes is preceded by a condition known as pre-diabetes. With no usual symptoms and very little hint of what a type 2 diagnosis may mean, many fail to take heed and ignore important warning signs of diabetes. “By the time a patient actually is diagnosed as having diabetes, so much damage can be already done,” The people with pre-diabetes can prevent the development of type 2 diabetes by up to 58 percent through modest lifestyle changes. Those changes, according to the experts, include recommendations to reduce weight by five to 10 percent and perform modest physical activity 30 minutes daily. In a very real sense,


“The individuals with pre-diabetes have a one and one-half fold increased risk of cardiovascular disease as compared to people with normal blood glucose and that individuals with diabetes have a two to four-fold increased cardiovascular risk. Some 60 to 65 percent of those with type 2 diabetes succumb to cardiovascular disease. “


Pre-diabetes is a serious metabolic condition that can reek havoc and do major damage long before the blood sugar (glucose) is elevated enough to diagnose overt type 2 diabetes.  Thus many persons already have complications  involving their heart, brain and extremity arteries—-even before they know officially that they have diabetes.


Pre-diabetes is a term used to distinguish those at increased risk for developing diabetes. Those with pre-diabetes have impaired fasting glucose (IFG) levels between 100 and 125 mg/dL and/or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) between 140 and 199 milligrams per deciliter or mg/dL. Progression to diabetes is not inevitable, as studies show minor lifestyle changes in diet and exercise can prevent or delay diabetes and may return blood glucose levels to normal.


Not all Canadians with diabetes are receiving recommended tests: study (CP) –  TORONTO – A variety of routine clinical tests should be the norm for Canadians who are living with diabetes, but a new study indicates not everyone is getting these tests and checkups by their health-care providers. All four specific recommended clinical tests are being done for fewer than one-third of patients, says the research released Thursday by the Canadian Institute for Health Information. “It’s a wake-up call,” says Dr. Alan Katz, research director in the department of family medicine at the University of Manitoba. “It’s pointing out that we’re not doing a good enough job for our diabetic patients. And it challenges us as physicians and health system planners and decision-makers to say ‘how can we improve this?”‘ he said in an interview from Winnipeg. Greg Webster, director of primary health-care information at CIHI, said better control of diabetes can help prevent serious health complications and prolong life for people with the disease. “These tests can provide signals to the patients and their health-care providers in terms of the need for intervention to better manage their condition,” he said. “And that’s important because if they don’t do that, they’re at much greater risk of developing complications such as blindness, lower limb amputations, kidney failure and heart disease.”

The study is mostly based on 2007 data from Statistics Canada’s Canadian Community Health Survey, but CIHI provided funding to ensure that all provinces would be included in the analysis. The figures show that 81 per cent of Canadians with diabetes received a hemoglobin A1c test in the previous year. The test is used to measure blood glucose levels over a period of time. Seventy-four per cent had received a urine protein test to measure kidney function in the year prior to the survey, and 51 per cent had their feet checked for sores or irritations. And 66 per cent had received a dilated eye exam in the two-year period prior to the data being collected. But overall, only 32 per cent of diabetics surveyed had all four clinical tests in the recommended period of time. Those who used insulin were more likely to have had all four tests..”
The prevalence of diabetes was highest among adults with a household income of less than $20,000, at eight per cent, and lower among adults with incomes of $60,000 and over, at four per cent, the report said.
People with higher household incomes were more likely to receive the four clinical tests. Katz said people living in poverty often struggle to attend appointments and keep to their diets.
Webster said British Columbia and Saskatchewan had the highest rates for people getting all four tests, at about 40 per cent. Newfoundland and Labrador was below the average, at just over 20 per cent, he said.
The report says 5.1 per cent of Canadians 12 and over reported a diagnosis of diabetes in 2007. More than two million Canadians have the disease, and the number is expected to grow as the population ages, Webster said.
In Canada, over two million Canadians have confirmed diabetes and that number is expected to reach three million by 2010. Based on a U.S. study, a North American child born in 2000 stands a one in three chance of being diagnosed with diabetes in his or her lifetime. In Canada,
If you have been diagnosed with diabetes and just aren’t sure of what you should and should not be eating, it’s time you found out!
Get your doctor’s recommendation of a diabetes educator or dietician specializing in diabetes who you can go to see. Many hospitals hold classes to help diabetics make the right food choices since that is so critical to the management of diabetes. While these classes may be intended for those newly diagnosed with diabetes, they will provide useful information for all diabetics.
Heart problems and Diabetes, Cancer seem to be partially related as well.. by our personally bad eating habits, meaning eating food that is hard to digest as well.. Most people do need to have a better discipline for what they are eating.. and when too. Too many people still are consumers of too much sugar, and using rather artificial sweeteners, and eating regularly is a good advice here too.   Most people also do not even know how to eat proper foods, even professionals included.. thus next a lot of people do have related health problems..
Let’s first be fair to ourselves and others and note that no one thing specifically causes all the cancers, diabetic sick persons, heart problems in the world, rather it is a combination of several different factors starting with our personal ignorance, and the false neglect of the our Bodies.
While clearly the medical advances against even the more serious sickness have taken gigantic leaps now these days, I sadly too often these  days have to tell the truth to the sick persons that next the patients themselves are now more often to blame for their sudden deaths,  their illness degenerating mostly too even by reaping what they sowed, by their own neglect of basic laws reaping relating to the to human anatomy too, a) by their own failure to insure  healthy eating, b) their own  failure to get  proper sleep, c) and their own failure to handle, resolve unbeneficial stress adequately.
Majority of patients still lie to themselves when they do now falsely think they will not reap what they have personally sowed and thus they are committing personal suicide as a result. Lack of sleep is still a killer.. so is not eating properly.. so is unresolved stress..
Approximately 80% of people with diabetes will die as a result of heart disease or stroke. People with heart problems tend to have diabetes problem eventually and vice versa too..
To date there is no proven way to prevent type 1 diabetes. The onset of type 2 diabetes may be prevented or delayed, through increased physical activity, healthy eating and weight loss. Taking these steps now can lead to a healthier future. In a large study, people at risk of type 2 diabetes were able to reduce their risk by 58% by exercising moderately for 30 minutes a day and by losing 5 to 7% of their body weight. In people age 60 and older, the risk was cut by almost 71%. Other large studies have shown similar results in reducing risk.
Many weight loss products like pills, herbs and some private clinics fail to deliver on their promises and governments should be regulating scientifically unproven therapies, obesity doctors say. I said the same thing in writing to the federal government, health ministers the last 2 decades too.
I know for a fact that both the internet and non doctors were unable to help me with my medical conditions many times.. it took real doctors and real diagnostic equipment rather. In reality even Ten Nurses cannot replace a decent doctor, never mind the health food quacks, liars now as well. nor can the internet if you are serious ill.. I had 4 separate major illness that no one was able to diagnose without a real, proper medical test. A friend of mine who ran a health food store totally misdiagnosed my ailments as well to prescribe tonnes of expensive unneeded products.. nurses at  the emergency clinics were unable  to diagnose my problems as well.. My problems included gland problems, diabetes, blocked arteries, kidney stones.
In addition to a doctor the second best thing I discovered was a dietician.. Many Hospital delays are unessential, they are mere bureaucratic ploys, blackmail to get more money, raises, funding.. they are still very poorly managed. The Health Council now claims that contrary to popular belief, aging and population growth are not the major causes of increased health care spending. Instead, Canadians are using the system more than ever. PART OF THE REASONS IS THAT THE TOO OFTEN CHARGE CARD HAPPY DOCTORS ARE NOT DOING IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME.. when many patients have to have repeat visits even visits to other doctors to get a second opinion this clearly show we can we improve the system without cutbacks or service reductions.
Just cause a Doctor has a medicinal degree it still even does not mean all doctors are similarly competent now as well. “We can account for how money is spent, but not, in any precise way, for what it achieves,” We must figure out a way to make our money go further without compromising the quality of care Canadians have come to expect and need. To do that we for sure do need to have better Hospital, medical supervisors for a start.
About the political Health Council of Canada. It was created by the 2003 First Ministers’ Accord on Health Care Renewal, The Health Council of Canada is mandated to monitor and report on the progress of health care renewal in Canada. The Councillors were appointed by the participating provinces, territories and the Government of Canada which does not honestly disclose it’s full agenda..

Let’s first be fair to ourselves and others and note that no one thing specifically causes all the cancers, diabetic sick persons, heart problems in the world, rather it is a combination of several different factors starting with our personal ignorance, and the false neglect of the our Bodies.
While clearly the medical advances against even the more serious sickness have taken gigantic leaps now these days, I sadly too often these  days have to tell the truth to the sick persons that next the patients themselves are now more often to blame for their sudden deaths,  their illness degenerating mostly too even by reaping what they sowed, by their own neglect of basic laws reaping relating to the to human anatomy too, a) by their own failure to insure  healthy eating, b) their own  failure to get  proper sleep, c) and their own failure to handle, resolve unbeneficial stress adequately.
Majority of patients still lie to themselves when they do now falsely think they will not reap what they have personally sowed and thus they are committing personal suicide as a result. Lack of sleep is still a killer.. so is not eating properly.. so is unresolved stress..
Sadly most peopled do not realize the main causes of Heart attacks, diabetes, cancers. You can start by looking at the type of food you eat. I made a study for years of the reasons many people get heart attacks .. it is often a family disease, meaning related family bad habits.. such as the lack of physical exercise, how one handles the stressful situations, how well you sleep included.. and the type of food eaten and how it is prepared… steamed food and plenty of vegetables are advisable and often thus too.. and also don’t forget about the teeth and gum diseases.. The quality of sleep is more important than the Quantity too. Heart stress and food digestion are also related, related even to cancer, having heart attacks now as well and so is gum diseases.. Jesus will do his part, heal us after we do our part first. Call upon Him for help firstly.
The important explanation of one being diabetic is the reality that either the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or else it can’t employ the actual insulin in an appropriate way. The transformation of glucose into strength in the body is performed through insulin. The key conditions that can result in diabetes are short of activity, fatness, aging, improper diet and, most importantly, heredity. Weariness is the trait of diabetes for the reason that the body doesn’t attain required energy. Eyes is impaired, urination is repeated and need for water gets Unquenchable resulting from it. You are receptive to persistent contagion for example urinary tract diseases, colds and influenza if you are diabetic. Diabetes has further hint moreover like prickling or burning sensitiveness in the hands together with foot. Majority of the time diabetes goes overlooked for these traits look simple. At the time you observe any of the above declared indications get your glucose amount measured. The everlastingness of this health problem demands you perform this way. To correct diabetes  you as well have to make use of perfect diet table and lifestyle changes to make your glucose levels under regulation.
You don’t necessarily have to experience all of these warning signs to be diabetic; only one or two may be present. Some people show no warning signs whatsoever and find out they’re diabetic after a routine blood test. So if you have a family history of diabetes, you should be especially watchful of the signs and symptoms mentioned before. If you notice any of those signs report them to your doctor. Being overweight increases your risk significantly. A diet high in sugar and low in fiber may increase your risk as well. Pregnancy can trigger diabetes in some women.
There are two forms of diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is more severe and usually shows up before the age of 40. Insulin injections as well as dietary control and excercise are essential.
Type 2 diabetes is less severe and affects people who are older and overweight. This type is most often treated with diet and exercise and sometimes oral medicine. Occasional insulin injections may be required as well.
>Like a hurricane with its heavy rains, hail, lightening and high winds is preceded by”calm before the storm,” type 2 diabetes is preceded by a condition known as pre-diabetes. With no usual symptoms and very little hint of what a type 2 diagnosis may mean, many fail to take heed and ignore important warning signs of diabetes. “By the time a patient actually is diagnosed as having diabetes, so much damage can be already done,” The people with pre-diabetes can prevent the development of type 2 diabetes by up to 58 percent through modest lifestyle changes. Those changes, according to the experts, include recommendations to reduce weight by five to 10 percent and perform modest physical activity 30 minutes daily. In a very real sense,

“The individuals with pre-diabetes have a one and one-half fold increased risk of cardiovascular disease as compared to people with normal blood glucose and that individuals with diabetes have a two to four-fold increased cardiovascular risk. Some 60 to 65 percent of those with type 2 diabetes succumb to cardiovascular disease. ”
Pre-diabetes is a serious metabolic condition that can reek havoc and do major damage long before the blood sugar (glucose) is elevated enough to diagnose overt type 2 diabetes.  Thus many persons already have complications  involving their heart, brain and extremity arteries—-even before they know officially that they have diabetes.
Pre-diabetes is a term used to distinguish those at increased risk for developing diabetes. Those with pre-diabetes have impaired fasting glucose (IFG) levels between 100 and 125 mg/dL and/or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) between 140 and 199 milligrams per deciliter or mg/dL. Progression to diabetes is not inevitable, as studies show minor lifestyle changes in diet and exercise can prevent or delay diabetes and may return blood glucose levels to normal.
Diabetes and Cardiovascular (Heart) Disease
Who Should Be Screened For Pre-Diabetes?
Screening recommendations encourage physicians to screen all adults over age 45 and adults younger than 45 if they are significantly overweight and have at least one or more of the following risk factors:
Family history of diabetes;
Low HDL cholesterol and high triglycerides;
High blood pressure;
History of gestational diabetes or having given birth to a baby weighing more than nine pounds; and
Belonging to a minority group‹African American, Hispanic, Asian American or Pacific Islander.
ADA officials say pre-diabetes screening is not yet recommended for children since they don’t have enough evidence that type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed in children at high risk for the disease.
For additional information on pre-diabetes, contact the American Diabetes Association toll-free at 1-800-342-2383.
Diabetes is a “silent killer” and in the early stages of the disease, patients often have no symptoms. Four of five people with diabetes will die of heart attack or stroke. “Let’s bring diabetes out of the shadow! Let’s all fight diabetes.” With  millions of  people suffering from diabetes without enough care nationwide, medical experts have sounded a call of awareness to the public on how to prevent the disease they dubbed as “the silent killer.”  “We should be alarmed about the worsening problem of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes. It is a silent epidemic that unjustly affects the poor,” Do ask your doctor to give you a simple blood test for pre-diabetes Pre-diabetes means you have blood glucose levels that are higher than normal and you could one day reach a high enough level that you would be diagnosed with having diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that affects the body’s ability to produce or respond properly to insulin and must be managed on a daily basis once diagnosed. If not, diabetes can lead to several health complications including death.  If you have pre-diabetes, there’s a 75% probability that you will develop diabetes. Now there are two kinds of blood tests you can request, “The first is a fasting plasma glucose test, in which your glucose levels measured when you have not been eating. The other is an oral glucose tolerance test which introduces glucose into your system, challenging your beta cells to make insulin by testing your body’s acute insulin response to glucose.” If your blood glucose level, two hours after receiving oral glucose, is over 200 milligrams per deciliter, you are considered to be diabetic. Anything between 141-199 is considered to be pre-diabetic. If you have pre-diabetes, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to develop diabetes – if you take the proper steps now to avoid getting the fifth deadliest disease in America.
About 80 per cent of diabetics die of a heart attack.
If you have diabetes, you can be almost 15 years closer to a heart attack or stroke than a person who does not have the disease.
Medical professionals are seeing these very serious health problems crop up earlier and earlier in people’s lives.
Diabetes (medically known as diabetes mellitus) is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia or high blood glucose concentration. While there is no cure for diabetes, proper actions can be taken to control glucose or sugar levels and prevent complications including diabetic retinopathy, which leads to total blindness; diabetic neuropathy, a decreased in sensation; diabetic nephropathy, damage to kidney leading to renal failure; heart diseases and stroke.
“And  diabetes claims as many lives each year as the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, popularly known as AIDS, which is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. “It is just sad that people give more importance to AIDS since it is a new disease even while other diseases are just as fatal,” he said. Willing said that more than 200 million people worldwide were diagnosed to have diabetes.   “The message is very simple. To prevent it, one must have a healthy weight and a healthy diet. Don’t smoke and exercise regularly.” The good news is, once diabetes is identified, it can be managed. “Even pre-diabetic people, over 60, can prevent full-blown diabetes if they become proactive and change their eating habits and exercise regularly,”  It costs about 150 dollars per month to treat diabetes. “It is important to remember that managing diabetes goes beyond controlling blood sugar levels. Monitoring blood pressure and cholesterol is critical to reducing mortality.”
The People with diabetes must closely manage their blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, or face a significantly increased risk of cardiovascular disease, say three leading health organizations. Research has shown that two out of three people with diabetes die from a heart attack or stroke, making cardiovascular disease the number one killer of people with diabetes. In particular, tight control of blood glucose can significantly reduce the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke in people with diabetes, and fewer than 50 percent of Americans with diabetes are reaching the level of glucose control recommended.  “Controlling blood glucose, along with blood pressure and cholesterol, can help save not only a person’s heart, eyesight and limbs, but a person’s life. In fact, it is estimated that approximately 73 percent of adults with diabetes have high blood pressure and most have cholesterol levels that put them at increased risk for cardiovascular disease. To help manage blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol: make wise food choices, engage in daily physical activity and take prescribed medications. People with diabetes should also avoid smoking and consult their health providers about taking aspirin. Fifty-four million Americans – that’s one in six  — have pre-diabetes and most don’t even realize it.
More than two million people in Canada have diabetes and their ranks are expected to swell as the population ages.
“Many Canadian,  seniors with diabetes are not getting the medications they need to control high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, according to a study spearheaded by Dr. Baiju Shah.  and many seniors don’t even know they are pre-diabetic — they think they are tired or just not well. (Pre-diabetic is when blood sugar levels are elevated but not high enough for the person to be considered diabetic.) A high cholesterol and high blood pressure are risk factors for both diabetes and heart disease.There is a great deal of evidence that hypertension (high blood pressure) control has the greatest benefit for diabetes patients, according to the study. “Everyone fusses about blood sugar, but the emphasis is changing now that we recognize the number-one killer of people with diabetes is heart disease,”   The finding is important because heart disease and strokes account for most deaths among diabetics. While examining blood tests from people over 65, researchers noted a high incidence of diabetes — much of it undiagnosed and untreated, according to Shah, a scientist at the Institute for Clinical Evaluation Sciences, an independent Toronto research facility.”There are a couple of important messages here in relation to diabetes,” Shah says. “This disease is a common condition in people over 65 and, by age 75, one in four have it.”The study also revealed that the specialists prescribed the needed  medications more often than family doctors.”
The Diabetes in Canada Evaluation (DICE) study, which included 243 family doctors who completed records for 2,473 patients with Type 2 diabetes, found that most patients have serious health problems associated with their diabetes: conditions such as heart disease, stroke, kidney and eye disease. In the DICE study, patients had cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure (more than 60 per cent) and high cholesterol (almost 60 per cent). Nearly 30 per cent had already had one or more microvascular complications such as kidney disease, nerve damage or eye disease. One of the findings of the DICE study was that family physicians need to be more aggressive in implementing appropriate treatment for certain patients.
Do also Write to news editors, provincial and federal legislative members and rightfully demand better medical care and services here for all Canadians now.
If you have been diagnosed with diabetes and just aren’t sure of what you should and should not be eating, it’s time you found out!
Get your doctor’s recommendation of a diabetes educator or dietician specializing in diabetes who you can go to see. Many hospitals hold classes to help diabetics make the right food choices since that is so critical to the management of diabetes. While these classes may be intended for those newly diagnosed with diabetes, they will provide useful information for all diabetics.
Taking good care of your health will play a vital role in reducing the complications of diabetes.
Eating the proper foods, maintaining your weight, maintaining an exercise program and monitoring your blood glucose can control diabetes. You must also remember to check your feet daily and make sure to have a dilated eye exam annually.
About Your Eyes

Diabetes can lead to eye problems including blindness but the chances can be reduced by having an annual eye exam in which the pupils are dilated. This dilated eye exam can find any problems early, so that you can get needed treatment immediately. Even if your vision is fine or you see well, you should still have an dilated eye exam annually. Diabetes can lead to a disease called diabetic retinopathy, which damages the tiny blood vessels in the retina. Diabetes can also heighten your risks of developing cataracts (the lens of the eye becomes cloudy) or glaucoma (pressure builds up inside the eye). Don’t take your eyesight for granted, get your dilated eye exam now!
About Your Feet

Diabetes can cause damage to you feet. In order to protect yourself, make sure that when you visit your physician or health care provider, you take your shoes and socks off so that your feet can be checked. Remember, you must keep your feet in good shape. Here are some helpful tips:
– Check you feet everyday for sores, bruises or color changes
– Wash feet every day in warm water and pat dry
– Do not put oil or lotion between your toes
– Trim your toenails carefully
– Wear socks and comfortable shoes that protect and do not squeeze your feet (avoid shoes that go between your toes)
– Never go barefoot, even at home
– **Keep your blood sugar under control
– **Do not smoke

About Exercise

Exercise or physical activity is a very important part of reducing diabetes complications. A little activity each day can help you live longer, healthier and happier. You can do simple activities that cost nothing and count towards a healthier life. Try to be consistent with the activity you chose. Some simple activities include:
– Walking at a brisk pace
– Raking or working in the garden
– Dance to a fast beat
– Riding a bicycle
– Cleaning your home
– Swimming
Possible Diabetes?

Blood Glucose Testing

Testing can be done using the tips of the fingers, as well as Alternate Site Testing (AST) on such places as the sides of the hands, the forearm and the leg.  When in doubt or if a low is suspected always use the finger tip for most reliable results.  While most people do not find a time lag when using AST, current research recommends that lows be monitored through finger testing.
Why is it important to test?
In order to properly control your diabetes, it is important to know what you blood glucose levels are.  Too high or too low can lead to disastrous complications.
When to test?
This depends on if you have Type 1 Diabetes or not and how active you are. Current Canadian Diabetes Association Clinical Practice guidelines suggest 6 times per day.  Many doctors suggest testing before each meal, before, after and during strenuous  physical activity, and before bed.  It may also be preferable to test at least once throughout the night to ensure that nighttime basal insulins are working properly. Please consult with your diabetes team to see how often you should test your blood glucose levels.
But what does “blood glucose testing” mean?
Glucose is a type of sugar.  The body forms glucose when it  breaks down the food we eat into a usable form of energy. Glucose is the body’s main source of energy. Measuring the amount of glucose found in your blood helps to show how the body is breaking down food into energy, as well as how the liver is working.
Blood glucose testing may be Fasting–which is done after you have not eaten for 12-14 hours and is often used in a clinical setting to diagnose diabetes.  It may be a 2-hour Postprandial test which is testing done 2 hours after a meal. Finally, Random testing can be done.  This testing that occurs at various times throughout the day.
Please remember that the above information is simply a guideline and in no way replaces medical advise.  Please speak with your doctor or diabetes care professional to determine what blood glucose levels are optimal for your care.
  The above guidelines are based on the Canadian Diabetes Association’s 2003 Clinical Practice Guidelines.
Important information about AST
* Under certain conditions, blood glucose test results obtained using samples taken from your arm may differ significantly from fingertip samples.
* The conditions in which these differences are most likely to occur are when your blood glucose is changing rapidly such as following a meal, an insulin dose or associated with physical exercise.
* When blood glucose is changing rapidly, fingertip samples show these changes more quickly than arm samples.
* When your blood glucose is falling, testing with a fingertip sample may identify a hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) level sooner than a test with an arm sample.
* Use arm samples only for testing prior to, or more than 2 hours after, meals, insulin dosing or physical exercise.
* Testing performed within two hours after a meal, an insulin dose or physical exercise, or whenever you feel that your glucose levels may be changing rapidly, should be done from the fingertip.
* You should also use fingertip testing whenever you have a concern about hypoglycemia (insulin reactions) such as when driving a car, particularly if you suffer from hypoglycemic unawareness (lack of symptoms to indicate an insulin reaction), as arm testing may fail to detect hypoglycemia.
Please remember all changes in insulin regimens must be discussed with your Doctor first!!!  Below is information to assist you in being more informed when speaking with them.
If You Have Diabetes. . .
A Flu Shot Can Be a Life Saver
The Facts Are. . .
People with diabetes are 3 times more likely to die from flu and pneumonia.
People with diabetes are 6 times more likely to be hospitalized with flu complications.
Death rate among people with diabetes can increase 5 to 15% during flu epidemics
Each year nationwide, 10,000 – 30,000 deaths among people with diabetes are associated with flu and pneumonia.
Fewer than 1/2 of the people diagnosed with diabetes receive the flu shot each year & only 1/3 report ever receiving the pneumococcal shot.
Take Control . . .
A pneumococcal shot can protect you from pneumonia and other infections caused by the same bacteria and should be taken approximately every ten years.
A yearly flu shot is safe and easy to administer, and it can be taken along with a pneumococcal shot.
Family members and those who care for people with diabetes should also receive the flu shot each year.
You can not get the flu from the flu vaccine because it does not contain a live virus.
For More Information About Diabetes and Flu Vaccine, contact:
Your Health Care Provider,
You may also wish to visit this other excellent recipe sites   for recipes or to subscribe to their magazine

Diabetic Dessert Recipes
According to the Diabetic Food Pyramid, diabetics should be sparing when eating fats and sweets. This makes eating desserts and maintaining blood sugar levels difficult.

Diabetic Dessert Recipe: Broiled Fruits with Vanilla Ice Cream
This diabetic dessert is a light, delicious dessert that mixes fruit and ice cream, two sweets that work great together. In order to make this diabetic dessert, you’ll need the following ingredients:
2 cups fresh raspberries
1/2 cup simple syrup — See Recipe
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
2 peaches — peeled and sliced
2 plums — sliced
2 nectarines — sliced
2 tablespoons butter — melted
6 scoop vanilla ice cream
STEP ONE: For Fruit Puree–

Place raspberries, simple syrup, and lemon juice in a blender and puree until smooth. Strain out all seeds and store in the refrigerator until ready to use.

STEP TWO: Assembly–

Spoon some of the puree onto plates and arrange the peach, plum, and nectarine slices in a decorative manner on the puree and lightly brush the fruits with the melted butter.

Broil until the fruits are warmed through. Place a scoop of vanilla ice cream in the center of the plate and serve immediately.

Diabetic Dessert Recipe: Raspberry Mousse
This diabetic dessert will melt in your mouth, taking the smooth texture of mousse and putting a hint of raspberry that will tantalize your taste buds with fruity sweetness. In order to make this diabetic dessert, you’ll need the following ingredients:
2/3 c. Strawberry Fanciful
1/8 tsp. cream of tartar
2 egg whites
1/2 c. whipping cream
Add cream of tartar to egg whites, beat until stiff, but not dry. Fold into Strawberry Fanciful. Fold the whipped cream into the fruit mixture. Chill before serving or freeze for frozen mousse. Use any of the Fanciful flavors for variation: Strawberry, blueberry, orange pineapple, pineapple berry or peach.

Diabetic Dessert Recipe: Brownies
Diabetic brownies anyone? This diabetic dessert will give the decedent taste of chocolate brownie sweetness without sending your blood sugar levels through the roof. In order to make this diabetic dessert, you’ll need the following ingredients:

2 c. graham cracker crumbs (approximately 24 crackers)
1/2 c. chopped walnuts
3 oz. semi-sweet chocolate
1 1/2 tsp. Sweet-N-Low (6 packs)
1/4 tsp. salt
1 c. skim milk
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Place all ingredients in bowl; blend well. Bake in greased 8x8x2 pan for 30 minutes. Cut in 2-inch squares while warm.

Diabetic Cake Recipe: Lo-Cal Cheese Cake
Get the great taste of cheese cake without all the fattening calories. This diabetic dessert will satisfy your cheese cake cravings without violating your diet. In order to make this diabetic dessert, you’ll need the following ingredients:
12 oz. low fat Ricotta cheese
4 eggs, separated
3/4 c. Fruit Sweet
Grated peel of 1 lemon
3 graham crackers, finely crushed
12 oz. low fat cottage cheese
2/3 c. non-instant milk powder
5 tbsp. lemon juice or to taste
2 tsp. pure vanilla
Butter or oleo for pan

Put cheese in food processor with egg yolks and Fruit Sweet and blend. Add milk, powder and process until smooth. Add vanilla, lemon juice and peel to cheese mixture. Blend until smooth. Beat egg whites until frothy, then add to the food processor and blend for about 2 seconds, until mixed. Butter the bottom and 1/2 way up the sides of a 9″ spring form pan. Pour the graham cracker crumbs into the pan and shake until buttered area is coated. Leave any extra on the bottom. Pour cheese cake mixture into pan and bake at 350 degrees with a pan of water in the oven to prevent drying. Bake for 45 minutes or until inserted knife emerges clean. Cool. May serve with Wax Orchards All-Fruit Fanciful preserve of your choice. Variations: All cottage or all ricotta may be used. For standard cream cheese cake, substitute 24 ounces cream cheese, 3 eggs, 1/2 cup powdered milk and 2/3 cup Fruit Sweet. Adjust lemon.

Diabetic Dessert Recipe: Fudge
Diabetic fudge, a dessert designed to curb the fudge cravings with cocoa, graham cracker goodness. In order to make this diabetic dessert, you’ll need the following ingredients:
1 14 1/2 oz. evaporated milk
3 tbsp. cocoa
1/4 c. oleo
Liquid Sweetner to equal 1/2 c. sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
2 1/2 c. graham cracker crumbs
1/4 c. nuts
Combine milk and cocoa in saucepan. Beat well. Add oleo, sweetner, salt. Bring to boil. Remove from heat. Stir in remaining ingredients except 1/4 cup graham crackers. Cool about 15 minutes. Divide mixture into 32 balls. Roll in remaining cracker crumbs and chill.

Diabetic Dessert Recipe: Orange Sunbeams
Not interested in chocolate? Try this diabetic dessert that brings a fresh, citrus flavor that will tickle your tart taste buds. In order to make this diabetic dessert, you’ll need the following ingredients:
1 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 c. shortening
1/2 c. raisins
1 egg
2 tbsp. orange juice
2 tsp. grated orange rind
1 1/2 tsp. Sucaryl
Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Cut in shortening until crumbly. Add all at once: raisins, eggs, orange juice, orange rind and Sucaryl. Mix well. Make into small balls; flatten on cookie sheet. Bake 12 to 15 minutes at 375 degrees.

Diabetic Cookie Recipe: Oatmeal Cookies
Do you miss the taste and smells of your mother’s oatmeal cookies? Well have that childhood treat again, just this time diabetic friendly. In order to make these diabetic cookies, you’ll need the following ingredients:
1/2 c. margarine
1 egg
1 tsp. sucaryl solution
1/4 c. milk
1 c. flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/8 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 c. raisins
1 c. rolled oats
Cream margarine until smooth. Add beaten egg, sucaryl solution, and milk. Sift and mix dry ingredients and then add to first mixture. Beat in vanilla, raisins, and rolled oats. Drop by teaspoon onto greased cookie sheet and bake. You can use 1/4 cup margarine and 1/4 cup applesauce or 1 banana instead of using the full amount of margarine.

Diabetic Pasta Recipes
According to the Diabetic Food Pyramid, diabetics should eat six to eleven servings of grains, beans and starchy vegetables per day.

Diabetic Pasta Recipes: Pasta Salad
Pasta salad is an easy, quick dish that compliments most meals. Traditionally, people use corkscrew pasta, but feel free to use any tubular pasta, such as elbows and ziti. In order to make this pasta recipe, you’ll need the following ingredients:
Corkscrew pasta
4 fresh mushrooms, sliced
1 cucumber, sliced
Kraft reduced calorie zesty Italian
1 onion, sliced
1 tomato, diced
1 green pepper, chopped
Cook and rinse pasta in cold water. Mix with remaining ingredients and marinate in dressing. Chill and serve.

Diabetic Italian Recipes: Spaghetti
Spaghetti is a traditional Italian dish that works well with any diabetic diet. But many diabetics avoid spaghetti because most store brands have sugar added to the sauce. Here’s an easy diabetic Italian recipe for making diabetic spaghetti sauce:
12 oz. tomato juice
1 lg. can mushrooms, stems and pieces
Salt to taste
Garlic to taste
Oregano to taste
Dehydrated onion flakes
1 lg. green pepper, diced
2 cans bean sprouts
Cook all ingredients in covered saucepan. Cook until sauce thickens. Add bean sprouts; simmer 10 minutes. Helpful Hint: Spaghetti tastes better warmed over the second day.

Diabetic Pasta Recipes: Lasagna
Lasagna is a nice Italian dish that will more than fill most pasta cravings. Hearty and good comfort food, lasagna is one pasta dish that will warm your heart. In order to make this pasta recipe, you’ll need the following ingredients:
1 c. chopped onions
1 c. sliced mushrooms
1/2 c. diced green peppers
1 tbsp. parsley flakes
1/2 tsp. each basil, oregano, chili
5 oz. Mozzarella cheese
1 garlic clove, minced
1 c. chopped carrots
3 c. tomatoes
1/4 tsp. dried rosemary
3 oz. grated Romano cheese
1 1/3 c. cottage cheese
Saute onions, garlic, mushrooms, carrots, and peppers until soft. Add tomatoes, parsley, basil, oregano, chili powder, rosemary, and pepper. Simmer 15 minutes. Mix together the 3 cheeses. Starting with sauce, layer with 8 cooked lasagna noodles and cheese in an 8 x 12 inch casserole. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes. Serves 4.

You too reap what you sow so look after your good health..

Although it is important that you get individual help with your diabetes diet plan from an expert, there are some general guidelines to follow. In fact, the tips listed here would be helpful for anyone to follow, whether or not you have diabetes.

Since no single food will supply all the nutrients your body needs, it is important to eat a variety of foods every day, including fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy and meats. Included in the meat “group” are fish, poultry, eggs, dried beans and nuts, since they are all good protein sources.

Some unhealthy foods to avoid or limit include foods that are high in fat, sodium or sugar. Too much salt or sodium can make high blood pressure worse. Check nutrition labels for salt amounts in packaged foods.

Although you do need some fat in your diet, too much isn’t good for anyone since it is linked to increased risk of developing heart disease. And, people with diabetes already have a greater risk to get heart disease. Stay away from “whole” fat dairy foods and salad dressings, too much red meat and desserts high in fat.

Following a varied diet from all the food groups is important to everyone for good health; it’s especially important for those with diabetes!

It is also really important that you eat 3 meals a day regularly, do not skip meals, you can snack fruit in between if you are hungry, do avoid all sugar products such as candy, cholcate bars.

About Nutrition
Good nutrition is an important part of staying healthy. Your meals should be well balanced and low in cholesterol. Here is one example of a full day of meals based on an 1800-calorie diet.
½ Cup Apple Juice
1 ½ Cup Unsweetened Cereal
2 Tablespoons Raisins
3 Graham Cracker Squares
1 Cup Low Fat Milk

1 Cup Vegetable Soup
Turkey Sandwich
3 Ounces Turkey
1 Ounce Low-Fat Swiss Cheese
2 Slices Bread
1 Cup Lettuce And Tomato
1 Medium Apple
½ Cup Low Fat Milk

3 Ounces Baked Fish
1 Cup Boiled Pasta With:
½ Cup Broccoli
½ Cup Green Onions
1/3 Cup Cranberry Juice
1 Cup Cantelope Cubes
½ Cup Low Fat Milk

HINT: Choose meats that are 90% lean to reduce fat in your diet. Avoid fried foods. Instead, prepare foods by baking, roasting and boiling.

Menu courtesy of Desiree James, RN, CDE

Non Diabolic- Diabetic desserts..

Note: Get a recipe of the week recommended by Diabetes Australia-NSW dietitians as a good option not only for people with diabetes, but for all Australians interested in a delicious and healthy meal  and see also the yummy Dessert of the Month.

Have diabetes, will travel

Heading out of town? Leaving your troubles behind? Off on an important business trip? Whenever you travel, your diabetes makes the trip with you. While diabetes shouldn’t stop you from traveling in style, you will need to do some careful planning. Here are some helpful diabetes travel tips from the National Diabetes Education Program:


• Get all your immunizations. Find out what’s required for where you’re going and make sure you get the right shots on time.

• Control your ABCs. See your healthcare provider for a checkup four to six weeks before your trip to make sure your alcohol, blood pressure and cholesterol are under control and in a healthy range before you leave.

• Ask your healthcare provider for a prescription and a letter explaining your diabetes medication, supplies and any allergies. Carry this with you at all times on your trip. The prescription should be for insulin or diabetes medications and could help in case of an emergency.

• Wear identification that explains you have diabetes. The identification should be written in the languages of the places you are visiting.

• Plan for time zone changes. Make sure you’ll always know when to take your diabetes medicine, no matter where you are. Remember: eastward travel means a shorter day. If you inject insulin, less might be needed. Westward travel means a longer day, so more insulin might be needed.

• Find out how long the flight will be and whether meals will be served. However, you should always carry enough food to cover the entire flight time in case of delays or unexpected schedule changes.


• Take twice the amount of diabetes medication and supplies that you’d normally need. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

• Keep your insulin cool by packing it in an insulated bag with refrigerated gel packs.

• If you use insulin, make sure you also pack a glucagon emergency kit.

• Make sure you keep your medical insurance card and emergency phone numbers handy.

• Don’t forget to pack a first-aid kit with all the essentials.


• Plan to carry all your diabetes supplies in your carry-on luggage. Don’t risk a lost suitcase.

• Have all syringes and insulin delivery systems (including vials of insulin) clearly marked with the pharmaceutical preprinted label that identifies the medications. The FAA recommends that patients travel with their original pharmacy labeled packaging.
• Keep your diabetes medications and emergency snacks with you at your seat. Don’t store them in an overhead bin.

• If the airline offers a meal for your flight, call ahead for a diabetic, low-fat or low-cholesterol meal.

• Wait until your food is about to be served before you take your insulin. Otherwise, a delay in the meal could lead to low blood glucose.

• If no food is offered on your flight, bring a meal on board yourself.

• If you plan on using the restroom for insulin injections, ask for an aisle seat for
easier access.

• Don’t be shy about telling the flight attendant that you have diabetes, especially if you are traveling alone.

• When drawing up your dose of insulin, don’t inject air into the bottle. The air on your plane will probably be pressurized.

• Because prescription laws can be very different in other countries, write for a list of International Diabetes Federation groups: IDF, 1 Reu de Faeqz, B-1000, Belgium, or visit Get a list of English-speaking foreign doctors in case of an emergency. Contact the American Consulate, American Express or local medical schools for a list of doctors.

• Insulin in foreign countries comes in different strengths. If you purchase insulin in a foreign country, be sure to use the right syringe for the strength. An incorrect syringe might cause you to take too much or too little insulin.


•  Don’t leave your medications in the trunk, glove compartment or near a window, where they might overheat. If possible, carry a cooler in the car to keep medications cool.

• Bring extra food with you in the car in case you can’t find a restaurant.

• Stay comfortable and reduce your risk for blood clots by moving around every hour or two.

• Always tell at least one person traveling with you about your diabetes.

• Protect your feet. Never go barefoot in the shower or pool.

• Check your blood glucose often. Changes in diet, activity and time zones can affect your blood glucose in unexpected ways.

You might not be able to leave your diabetes behind, but you can control it and have a relaxing, safe trip. To learn more about controlling your diabetes, visit the National Diabetes Education Program at

 Note: type 2 diabetes is preceded by a condition known as pre-diabetes. With no usual symptoms and very little hint of what a type 2 diagnosis may mean, many persons fail to take heed, action  and ignore important warning signs of diabetes.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
 National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP)
 National Institutes of Health (NIH) 
 National Eye Institute (NEI)
 Healthy Vision 2010
 American Diabetes Association (ADA)
 Juvenile Diabetes Foundation (JDF)
 National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators (NCBDE) 
 American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

 Do also see   

PS Unhappily married women are more likely than unhappily married men to suffer high blood pressure, obesity and high blood sugar, putting them at greater risk for heart disease, stroke and diabetes, say U.S. researchers.
While both genders are just as likely to feel depressed in strained marriages, the similarity appears to end there. And yet next many women foolishly still do think a quick divorce will bring them next riches and happiness next, and significantly more women file for a divorce over men, but it almost all of the cases does not go the way they had expected it to go and in many ways.. they next rather cannot overcome Karma, the fact that they are reaping what they themselves had sowed, for they had initially made a bad choice of a mate firstly, or were too lazy, and/or had an unrealistic expectation of what marriage was, is. Marriage it is not just living together, sex.. but a lot of hard work for both now too. Blaming others mainly over personal accountability is the typical crook’s way.

Diabetes is a very serious, life changing disease can be very simply treat in most cases but most doctors do not do the necessary test of all of their patients, not even a simple blood sugar level test.


These sites, info  are provided for informational purposes only. The information here is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition, and should not replace the care and attention of qualified medical personnel. Use the information on these pages at your own risk, and, as with any information pertaining to health, nutrition, mental health, or fitness, consult your physician before making any changes that might affect your overall health.